Assume command and lay siege to the mighty fortress! Draw upon your mystical power to call forth demons from the underworld, utilizing soul-infused altars. These souls, generously granted each turn, serve as your catalyst.

Personalize your forces by investing in these ethereal souls. Click the crimson button beside your chosen demon, and drag the mutators into the mutation matrix to transfigure them into formidable adversaries.

Your cunning adversary is constructing defenses rapidly. Shatter the castle's defenses within a span of 30 rounds - the clock is ticking! Engage, evolve, and let the castle crumble!


Toggle Pause MenuEscape
Change Speed1, 2, 3


Dom Parker Music, Sound Design
Dinokaiser Art, Animations
Clive Patrick Programmer, Designer


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Liked the game mechanics and artstyle. Enjoyed the game overall!